Can I get a refund on my monthly service if my device was not in use?

Or if it was otherwise offline, malfunctioning, or not installed?

Device subscriptions are very similar to cellular phone subscriptions, in that whether you use your cellphone or not, the carrier continues to charge you a monthly fee.

Your device contains an active sim card with a cellular subscription, and each month the cellular service bill is paid by PosiTrace GPS regardless of the device status. In addition, even when your device is offline, the PosiTrace platform remains accessible with many useful features for running reports, obtaining troubleshooting information, and tracking other units.

  • If your unit will not be in-use for a long time, suspending your unit at a lower cost (for applicable devices), or deactivating your unit for longer-term dormancy, may be right for you. Please contact our team and we will assist you.
  • If you believe your device is malfunctioning, please open a support ticket as soon as possible.

Always make sure you regularly check all of your devices on the PosiTrace platform to ensure they are reporting and tracking normally.