Where can I enter a vehicle maintenance record?

How can I record a completed vehicle service, such as an oil change, brake check, or other minor or major services to the vehicle?

To log completed work on your vehicle, please go to:

  • Account > Equipment List
  • Click on your Equipment name (or select the Details magnifying glass)
  • Select the Maintenance tab

  • Service History tab
  • Add New 

At minimum, you will need to enter the Odometer, Engine Hours, and the Service Task you are completing. In the Service Tasks area, you can click Add New to add one or more tasks. 


If you have open, reported Issues, you can also select one or more of these. 

Other fields available include Vendor*, Dollar amount of the service, Reference number, and any other notes.

* Please note to select a Vendor, you will need to set up the Vendor previously under the Maintenance > Vendors menu option.