TL LTE - Basic Installation Manual

Installation Checklist:

  1. A clear understanding of wiring diagram and installation procedure
    • Recommended: Qualified installer skilled in vehicle electrical systems
  2. Correct gauge and length of any additional wiring 
  3. Verify polarity, battery voltage (10-30 Volts DC) & ground with voltmeter 
  4. Mounting location free from GPS-obscuring material, extreme heat, moisture and excess dirt, or excessive vibration. 
  5. Install with text facing UP.
  6. Install all wiring connections securely with some slack in wires
  7. Follow enclosed wiring diagrams and color code chart

Wiring Quick Reference

Before Installation begins:

  1. Write down the IMEI number of your device..
  2. Write down vehicle identification such as License Plate or VIN.
  3. Recommended: photograph the installation location of the device.
  4. Find appropriate PosiTracker | TL LTE mounting location
    • Not covered by any metal.
    • Clean, dry, and in an area free from excessive vibration
    • Recommended install location: just under plastic dash cover
    • Secure mounting after wiring is completed and tested.

Basic Wiring Installation:

  1. Pin 1 (red) - Constant power, 10 to 30 V DC
    1. Recommended: positive contact on vehicle battery. Other acceptable locations include the power cable inside the fuse box, or the power supply where the vehicle’s computer fuses reside.
    2. Please do not connect constant power to an accessory as it may lose power when the ignition is off. If you have a Kill Switch, please connect to power at a point where the switch will not kill the GPS unit, leaving the vehicle without tracking for towing situations.
  1. Pin 7 (black) - Uninterrupted Ground source
    1. GND must be connected to a designated ground point or wire. Connecting the GND at an arbitrary point on the mass of the vehicle may result in unstable device operation or failure.
  2. Pin 5 (yellow) - Ignition (switched power).
    1. Connect to true ignition, positive voltage must be provided only when ignition is running. The third (ON/RUN) position of the key is recommended.
    2. Please avoid connecting to accessories, as this may cause false trips, incorrect idling, or power disconnection behavior.
    3. If an ignition source is not easily found, you may leave the yellow ignition wire completely disconnected. Please contact Support with your IMEI # and let us know to enable Virtual Ignition (may be less accurate than hardwired ignition)

Optional Features Wiring:

Optional features are sold through your Account Manager

  1. Power Take Off (PTO): monitor external accessory and receive its on / off status (eg. salter, lift, axle, lights, seatbelt). Connect to Pin 4 (green/white) on the wiring harness – Positive trigger by default but can be inverted remotely by our support team to detect ground.
  2. Immobilizer: Remotely prevent a vehicle from starting through the Locate platform interface. Uses Pin 9 (orange/white) on the wiring harness, which provides a ground signal when immobilizer is engaged.
  3. Temperature sensors: Monitor ambient temperature readings inside a vehicle or trailer. Requires Temperature Sensor Kit, up to 4 sensors per device. Uses Pin 10 Blue and Pin 11 Green. Bluetooth-enabled temperature sensors are also available.
  4. Driver ID (wired version): Uses a wired key reader where a driver will tap their key on the reader to identify their driver profile to a vehicle’s trip. Uses Pin 11 Green and Pin 7 Ground. A bluetooth-enabled wireless Driver ID system is also available.
  5. Panic button: [requires additional hardware / feature] A button triggered by driver to notify dispatcher about a dangerous or problem situation. Connected to  Pin 3 (white)  positive trigger.

Wiring color chart:

DIN2-N – PosiTrace Input 1 in PosiTrace Locate (Default: PTO)
DIN3 – PosiTrace Input 2 (Default: Panic Button, can also be PTO)

* For ground trigger option on PTO input Green/White wire, please contact Support for updated configuration. 

LED reference: