Installation Checklist:
- A clear understanding of wiring diagram and installation procedure
- Recommended: Qualified installer skilled in vehicle electrical systems
- Correct gauge and length of any additional wiring
- Verify polarity, battery voltage (10-30 Volts DC) & ground with voltmeter
- Mounting location free from GPS-obscuring material, extreme heat, moisture and excess dirt, or excessive vibration.
- Install with text facing UP.
- Install all wiring connections securely with some slack in wires
- Follow enclosed wiring diagrams and color code chart
Wiring Quick Reference
Before Installation begins:
- Write down the IMEI number of your device..
- Write down vehicle identification such as License Plate or VIN.
- Recommended: photograph the installation location of the device.
- Find appropriate PosiTracker | TL LTE mounting location
- Not covered by any metal.
- Clean, dry, and in an area free from excessive vibration
- Recommended install location: just under plastic dash cover
- Secure mounting after wiring is completed and tested.
Basic Wiring Installation:
- Pin 1 (red) - Constant power, 10 to 30 V DC
- Recommended: positive contact on vehicle battery. Other acceptable locations include the power cable inside the fuse box, or the power supply where the vehicle’s computer fuses reside.
- Please do not connect constant power to an accessory as it may lose power when the ignition is off. If you have a Kill Switch, please connect to power at a point where the switch will not kill the GPS unit, leaving the vehicle without tracking for towing situations.
- Pin 7 (black) - Uninterrupted Ground source
- GND must be connected to a designated ground point or wire. Connecting the GND at an arbitrary point on the mass of the vehicle may result in unstable device operation or failure.
- Pin 5 (yellow) - Ignition (switched power).
- Connect to true ignition, positive voltage must be provided only when ignition is running. The third (ON/RUN) position of the key is recommended.
- Please avoid connecting to accessories, as this may cause false trips, incorrect idling, or power disconnection behavior.
- If an ignition source is not easily found, you may leave the yellow ignition wire completely disconnected. Please contact Support with your IMEI # and let us know to enable Virtual Ignition (may be less accurate than hardwired ignition)
Optional Features Wiring:
Optional features are sold through your Account Manager
- Power Take Off (PTO): monitor external accessory and receive its on / off status (eg. salter, lift, axle, lights, seatbelt). Connect to Pin 4 (green/white) on the wiring harness – Positive trigger by default but can be inverted remotely by our support team to detect ground.
- Immobilizer: Remotely prevent a vehicle from starting through the Locate platform interface. Uses Pin 9 (orange/white) on the wiring harness, which provides a ground signal when immobilizer is engaged.
- Temperature sensors: Monitor ambient temperature readings inside a vehicle or trailer. Requires Temperature Sensor Kit, up to 4 sensors per device. Uses Pin 10 Blue and Pin 11 Green. Bluetooth-enabled temperature sensors are also available.
- Driver ID (wired version): Uses a wired key reader where a driver will tap their key on the reader to identify their driver profile to a vehicle’s trip. Uses Pin 11 Green and Pin 7 Ground. A bluetooth-enabled wireless Driver ID system is also available.
- Panic button: [requires additional hardware / feature] A button triggered by driver to notify dispatcher about a dangerous or problem situation. Connected to Pin 3 (white) positive trigger.
Wiring color chart:
DIN2-N – PosiTrace Input 1 in PosiTrace Locate (Default: PTO)
DIN3 – PosiTrace Input 2 (Default: Panic Button, can also be PTO)
* For ground trigger option on PTO input Green/White wire, please contact Support for updated configuration.
LED reference: