How can I know how many miles or km my vehicles have traveled for the purpose of IFTA / Fuel tax reporting or ELD requirements?
GPS Device based
In the PosiTrace Locate Platform, our Mileage By State service can assist you with this. This service is included by default to our Premium subscription plans, but for other customers you may require the service to be added to your subscription.
- Report > Mileage by State
If you do not see this option in your Report menu, please connect with your Account Manager. Please note the Mileage by State report is not retroactive, and will only begin aggregating mileage data from the day it is added to your subscription.
This solution does not rely on our ELD system and the Mileage by State/Province report works as long as your GPS unit is installed and functioning normally.
The results of the Mileage By State report will show the Country and the State/Province (where applicable) in the format CO-ST, for example CA-BC (Canada: BC) or US-WV (United States: West Virginia)
The report will group data results by Equipment > Date by default. The date will appear on top under each equipment name, followed by the grouping by state on that date.
If you prefer to group instead by Equipment > State, please use the Group By drop-down. In this case, the State will appear on top, and the individual dates when traveling occurred will appear below.
The Only Totals checkbox can also help to keep data results simpler. It will remove the second sub-group and total results only by state, or only by date.
Only Totals By state:
Only Totals by date:
For deeper data aggregation, we recommend running your report as an XLS or CSV file so that you can use Spreadsheets to help you visualize the data in the way your specific business needs dictate.
ELD Solution
The Apollo ELD platform offers an IFTA module to assist you in jurisdictional mileage reporting. While logged into the ELD platform, from the sidebar, please select IFTA.
You will then be able to choose various options for your report, such as Year, Quarter, month, Region, and Vehicle.