How do I provide limited PosiTrace access to additional people?

I’d like to allow our dispatchers and office staff access to your site; however, I'd like to limit their access to change or view certain kinds of information.

User Roles

There are several types of user accounts in the system with different permission levels. Please check out the article "What are the permissions for user roles?" for more information.

  • Creating custom user roles may be possible in certain circumstances.
  • You can contact our support team if you need a custom role, but please be sure to examine the Permissions chart in the Knowledge Base article so that you can specify what you want your user to access. 

Live Map Share

Alternatively, if you would like to provide access to vehicle locations and nothing else to someone within or outside of your company, you could also consider the Live Map sharing system.

This will generate a link to your devices which will allow the recipient to track the current location of the selected vehicles  only, but not access any other part of the system (including history of the vehicle's movements in the past).