How do I install my hardwired GPS device?

Please refer to the installation manual for your GPS device, as wiring colors may change based on device model; however, for most hardwired installations, you will require three (3) wires for basic operation: 

  • Power (Constant: +12V / +24V)
    • Constant, uninterrupted, positive voltage
    • Never connect the Power wire to Accessories, as this may lead to the GPS device shutting down several minutes after the car's ignition is turned off. 
    • If possible, vehicles with kill switches should have their GPS devices wired past the kill switch, to ensure it remains constantly powered; however, if this is not possible, the device will operate normally only while the kill switch is turned off. For most kill-switch vehicles, this will be while the vehicle is actively in-use for the day. 
    • This wire is almost always solid red.
  • Ground
    • The recommended connection is the ground terminal on the vehicle's main battery, or to a designated Ground contact point in the vehicle.
    • If the vehicle chassis is used for ground, ensure the vehicle does not have a main switch that isolates the battery from ground, as this will cut power to the device.
    • This wire is almost always solid black.
  • Ignition (Switched power)
    • Positive voltage must be detected on the Ignition wire while the ignition is cranked / running, while zero voltage is present when the ignition is turned off. 
    • The word "Ignition" here indicates a vehicle with its engine running. As a result, the recommended location for the Ignition wire is the 3rd (run) position on ignition switch, or fuse panel “ignition” source if available.
    • Never connect the Ignition wire to Accessories which may lead to false trip and/or idling detection. 
    • Always check the manual for the ignition wire color, as it can change from device to device. Many devices use a white ignition wire, but some others use a yellow, orange, or green wire for the same purpose. 

When in doubt, always hire a professional 12-volt vehicle installer.